The odd one out

Posted by CARROR PUTTI Wednesday, 9 June 2010

As the car drove through the colossal entrance gate, the first butterflies began to wobble in my stomach. The monochromatic evening sky seemed to summon itself into the lofty minarets covered with by-passing pigeons. Alluring landscape blanketed with green hues incorporated a gigantic yet so impressive mosque which was a sight to watch from stem to stern. Reeling thoughts raced through my mind and before I could chuckle with enthusiasm I hopped my first step onto the freshly cleaned marble floor. It was cold. It truly felt like standing in the world’s 8th largest mosque.

The innumerable amounts of domes resting on the ceiling have the most magnetizing touch after the intricate embellishing decorations inside. AC’s working on there peak made the entire mosque a place to relax and introspect. Capacious indeed, it was. The windows patterned in a peculiar way, with the most unimaginable shades of blues and greens. The walls were made of pure marble and silica which shone brightly in the sunlight from a meter away. I guess it is true, that heaven falls here.

The high held stage for sermon also lined with a gold finishing was pleasurable to see, indeed. This mosque had laid into herself worlds largest carpet, which is 5,627 m2 in area yet so feeble and soft that it could induce sleep into anybody! Praying in the mosque, no one would ever guess that they are standing on something which has 2,268,000,000 knots! Miraculous it sounds, right? Anyways, the mosque inhibits such great wonders to which several gasps are necessary.

It also hangs in herself world largest chandelier . If anyone raises his head to see what hangs above, his eyes wouldn’t trudge definitely and just keep on imagining the radiance of gold and copper plating, such vigilantly embedded onto the chandelier. Needless to say, the mosque is a perfect place for a reincarnation of mind and soul. peace and tranquility automatically find a place in yourself in such a place. If I had the power to do so, I would make this mosque the 8th wonder of the world!
written by Abdul Moiz Ehtesham


  2. wow amazing pic a must see item

  4. nice wrote up, impressive i will wait for next blog

  6. did u see alam its moiz artical what u think a nice write up?????

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. awsome job


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